Christmas T&L Showcase

by Olga

Posted on January 25th, 2022 at 3:00 PM

Tags: #T&L Showcase #teaching #learning

'Learn from others' used to repeat one of my professors when I was a student. He was right. When we are open to learn from others we benefit from their experience. The degree to which we are able to learn from others depend on the ability to integrate own and other's experience. In order to do that successfully, we have to abstract from single experiences and recognize those features that different situations have in common (Moskaliuk, 2016). Externalising the newly made experiences foster knowledge transfer to new situations. During T&L showcase we had such an opportunity to learn from others and to reflect on our own teaching practice and various ways to engage students. The importance of designing and including a feedback was highlighed by a keynote speaker Dr. Edd Pitt. I believe feedback has an important role in improving learning experience for the students. When teacher gathers, reflects and acts on the feedback from students student's engagement and motivation will increase. We had also an opportunity to see showcases presented by colleagues who had been awarded the President's Teaching Excellence Award.

  1. Moskaliuk,J., Bokhorst, F, Cress, U. (2016). Learning from others' experiences: How patterns foster interpersonal transfer of knowledge-in-use. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 69–75.